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Abstract submission ​deadline extended

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Submission Deadline

The Asian Society of Natural Products

Thai Chapter

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NPIC 2024

International Symposium on

Natural Product Innovation & Commercialization

6-8 November, 2024 | Pakbara beach, Satun, thailand

Submit Abstract


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General info

Scientific program

Abstract submission guide

Registration guide



About The Symposium


Conference Hall

ASNP Thai Chapter


This Annual Symposium is co-organized by The Asian Society of Natural Products (ASNP)

Thai Chapter and Center of Antimicrobial Biomaterial Innovation-Southeast Asia (CABI-SEA), ​Prince of Songkla University. This event will offer world class facilities for attendees to ​exchange new ideas, establish new scientific relationships and international collaborations.

This symposium conference aims to provide a forum for researchers from across the world to ​join in a relaxed atmosphere, to communicate and share the latest developments from these ​research areas.

Prof. Emer. Dr. Supayang Voravuthikunchai

ASNP President

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The main theme of the ASNP Thailand Chapter Annual Symposium is

Natural Product Innovation: from Basic Research to Commercialization”

which covers the following topics:

  • Natural product chemistry: isolation and structural analysis
  • Natural product drug discovery, formulation, and development
  • Natural product as antibiotics to fight infectious diseases
  • Medicinal plants and traditional medicine
  • Natural cosmetics, nutraceuticals, and food supplements
  • Nanotechnology for natural products
  • Medicinal plant and natural product application in agricultural and animal products
  • Translational studies and commercialization for natural products
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Conference and Presentation

Networking Opportunities

Meet with international colleagues, grow your professional scientific network and make ​new friends. There will be plenty of opportunities to socialize throughout the conference ​and at the special conference dinner.

Young Investigator Perspectives

Oral slots are available specifically for Young Investigators (PhD students or Post-docs). ​Young Investigator Perspectives talks should include clear scientific justifications for the ​research, new results and explanations of how the research has advanced the field ​compared to existing literature. There will be opportunities for these presenters to ​contribute Young Investigator Perspectives articles to the NATPRO Journal, in ​consultation with the Editors.

Win the Best Poster Prize

Best posters will be selected by the Scientific Committee. Best Poster Prize winners will ​receive a certificate and free registration to the 2025 conference.

Post-Conference Publication

NATPRO Journal is launched on July 1, 2023 as a main academic journal of ASNP. ​Selected abstracts will be invited to be published in the next issue

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contact us

Center of Antimicrobial Biomaterial Innovation-Southeast Asia

Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University

15 Karnjanavanich Rd., Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand


Need help!

Registration: Dr. Mareena Daus, (+66)84 407 3993

Abstract submission: Dr. Supakit Paosen, (+66)93 930 9415

Conference details: Dr. Sakkarin Lethongkam, (+66)82 263 5827

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